Tuesday 12 November 2013

Thor: The Dark World - Review

The Mighty Thor

Thor: The Dark World improves in every way compared to its predecessor Thor released in 2011. This is what every Marvel movie should strive for. The laughs are plentiful, the action superb and the movie itself does not take itself too seriously which is a staple of Marvel movies. Whereas DC movies tend to be more grounded in reality, Marvel always has the attitude to embrace it's comic roots and venture into make-belief. This was one of the reasons Iron Man 3 was so boring for me trying to achieve something that never really clicked with someone whose always loved Iron Man's comical nature.

The writers decided to take advantage of pre-established characters and skip any origin story. Also deciding not to recap the story from the first Thor, Alan Taylor the director, makes a smart call by making his target audience, those who have been following along in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thor's back story was well established in the first movie and the second movie builds off of the events of the Avengers which play central to Thor's family. This is continuation is rewarding to see if someone has followed all the movies but may come across confusing for a new comer. Nonetheless Alan Taylor makes a smart decision in this by understanding the mass success of the Avengers and realizing the vast majority of the audience will be up to date with the events. With this said it is advisable to have viewed the first Thor as well as the Avengers to understand all the plot points and character relationships within this film.

By skipping the whole origin story or recapping it is rewarding to see this movie take charge so fast. The action starts right away and we see Thor in action plenty of times. While Chris Hemsworth play's Thor rather boldly he also captures the gravity of being in a superhero world post Avengers. His romance with Jane is always rewarding and provides a much needed emotional drive to the movie. The main antagonist Malekith the Accursed doesn't carry as much presence as previous Marvel antagonists but this lack of presence is entirely made up by the presence of Tom Hiddleston as Loki. In fact it is the scenes and dynamic between Loki and his brother, Thor that are the most rewarding scenes on the screen. These scenes are full of humour, tension and above all great acting by Tom Hiddleston. In fact, Loki develops more so in this movie than any of the other characters. Without giving away any spoilers we get to see the emotional side of Loki and how he is still battling to find his identity within this world. 

Thor: The Dark World is not without it's flaws. Perhaps the biggest one is that there are signs that the story may, at one point, have been a love triangle between Thor, Jane and Sif but this goes no where in the movie. Early on we see Sif interesting in Thor and unhappy with the presence of Jane. Yet later Sif is inclined to help Jane with no explanation of her change in motive. Furthermore the universal nature of Thor begs the question of science (or, as Thor would have it, magic). This opens up a lot of plot holes and a lot of nonsense about gravitons and wibblyflibs. But the whole movie moves so fast that at just over 100 minutes it wraps up when most blockbusters are grinding their gears and is so entertaining that it doesn’t seem to matter. 

Thor: The Dark World is an entirely entertaining movie. This what every Marvel movie should aim to. Having a terrible experience with Iron Man 3 post avengers Thor: The Dark World reaffirms the excitement left within this universe. Fans of post-credits stings rest assured Thor: The Dark World has two! One coming right at the end, so be sure to stick around until all the credits have rolled away. These post-credit scenes you wouldn't want to miss and is especially rewarding considering the disappointing post-credit scene at the end of Iron Man 3.  

Overall Thor: The Dark World rating


Friday 14 June 2013

Man of Steel - Review

Man of Steel Soars to greatness

"Snyder achieves with Man of Steel what Nolan did with Batman Begins"

From his early days, Superman has been a comic book proxy for the symbolic cast of the Bible. The Superman mythos is expansive, rich with detail and embodies the age old dilemma of are we alone in the universe. Yet this action-filled epic bridges the worlds of fantasy and real life which many fail to do so. Working from the “Batman Begins” textbook, director Zack Snyder with successes such as 300 and the Watchmen skillfully crafts a film which is his best so far. 

From start to finish this is the superman we've always wanted. Beginning with a lengthy exposition to show Kal-el's birth on Krypton, we gain a sense of his world and where he comes from. Many superman films fail to showcase why he was sent to earth but this much needed exposition clearly showcases the circumstances surrounding his arrival on earth. Clark growing up faces painful x-ray vision, heat vision and is afraid of himself and whats wrong with him. Not only does this make superman more relatable but explains his God-like power's which often have been the source of criticism. Perhaps that's the greatest thing about this film. Superman isn't a God he has limits. It takes him effort in performing his powers. There are reasons for his power's as well as his source of energy. This makes superman much much more vulnerable and not overpowered. Furthermore David Goyer's decision to remove Kryptonite as superman's weakness ensures that this movie doesn't suffer from unrealistic weaknesses of such a super being. Superman is as much human as he is an alien, vulnerable to his emotions. 

By far the most notable scene are of young Clark Kent. Afraid to express his abilities fearing the world would reject him. As such he is forced to live a life of shadows despite always only intending to use his powers for good. It's in this that superman's humanity shines drawing in the audiences sympathy. Young Clark only wishes to be a normal human and belong. Having lost his original parents and questioning the purpose of his existence Jonathan Kent is as much a father to him as his biological father Jor-El. While Jor-El may have given Kal-El his krypton blood, Jonathan Kent gives Clark his humanity. Superman is as much a child of Krypton as he is of earth. Likewise Amy Adam's delivers as Lois Lane providing a love interest for the young superman. Writer David Goyer cuts out the heavy romance featured in previous superman movies only to deliver am adequate amount of it in Man of Steel. This is just what was needed. Although superman and Lois share only brief moments on screen together, their chemistry resonates. Forget the critics saying there isn't enough romance, there is enough Lois and Superman in this movie that it will leave you satisfied and smiling.

The main antagonist General Zod played by Michael Shannon is powerful, and brilliant. Whenever present on screen he draws in all of the attention and much of the action of the movie. It is his motive which makes him one of the most effective superhero villain's we've seen yet. Not fuelled by world domination, or any other 2-dimensional motive but rather the survival of his race. This makes the viewer feel for the antagonist since he is merely looking out for this people as would anyone look out for his family. Throughout the movie many would even consider General Zod not a villain but rather someone that's a victim of unfortunate circumstances.

Man of Steel beautifully addresses the circumstances that would result if we were to find alien life let alone have such a powerful being living amongst us. Clark faces this dilemma throughout the movie, unsure whether to reveal himself to the world and face the consequences or remain hidden. When revealed the world responds appropriately afraid of him and casting him as an outcast, which is how society would respond in real life. Often we forget if such super being were to exist in society, we wouldn't welcome them with open arms. The film showcases this reality and this features in Superman's struggle to find his place in this world. Not only does he have to decide whether to let his Kryptonian's go extinct but he also has to face the blowback from his home world, earth. 

Writer David Goyer, and producer Christopher Nolan bring out a story that is rich with detail and emotions while Snyder drill to the core of the metaphor to find an emotional entrance and an excuse to explode the screen with jaw-dropping set pieces. Rest assured although the movie borrows heavily from Nolan's universe “Man of Steel” is not simply "Batman Begins" with a different director. Snyder delivers a blockbuster of titanic proportions that swings back and forth between human existentialism and clobbering action deserving of the biggest screen imaginable. Snyder defines the world epic in Man of Steel delivering some of the best action of this summer's blockbusters. Snyder brings his own touch and achieves with Man of Steel what Nolan did with Batman Begins. If this is the start to DC's Justice League of America than Marvel is about to get a run for their money.

Overall Man of Steel Rating


Friday 17 May 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness - Review

Star Trek at Warp Speed

"Into Darkness is a fast paced, thrilling epic that's also triumphantly smart and humane. It's everything you could want in a Star Trek movie."
Star Trek Into Darkness - Theatrical Poster
The “Trek” world is full of challenges, of course, including ridge-headed Klingons and rigid Starfleet rules. Yet this action-filled sci-fi drama bridges the worlds of sci-fi brains and mainstream muscle which many fail to do so. As such it won't be surprising if die hard Star Trek fans aren't pleased with this film however for the casual and core audience, the film does a splendid job of keeping the source relevant yet inducing it with enough mainstream muscle to keep everyone entertained.

Star Trek Into Darkness is a fast paced action thriller, with numerous sub plots taking place. The most notable of which is the relationship between Spock and Kirk, which outshines in the third act. Spock provides much of Kirk's logical reasoning throughout the film. The Kirk and Spock duo is the most compatible team Star Fleet has ever seen and the USS Enterprise's greatest asset. Also Spock's relationship with Uhura is also showcased and features in the plot, albeit for some laughs nonetheless. Although Kirk is the captain of the USS Enterprise we observe how, Kirk is no way fit to be a captain. Kirk being privileged to obtain Captain rather than deserving this role has affected his ability to take on the role of captain seriously and we see numerous lapse of protocol by the young Captain. However it is in this that Kirk's humanity outshines and perhaps what makes him most different than other captain's in Star Fleet. 

By far the most notable actor throughout the movie is Benedict Cumberbatch. His performance as the main antagonist in this film is perhaps the most memorable and effective. Benedict Cumberbatch's "Johnathan Summers" is powerful, smart, and human. Whenever present on screen he draws in all of the attention and much of the mystery of the movie. It is his Human nature which makes him the most effective villain we've seen in Star Trek so far. Not only is he out for revenge but in his revenge, is humanity. Not fuelled by world domination, or any other 2-dimensional motive but rather justice, makes the viewer feel for the antagonist. Throughout the movie many would even consider Jonathan Summers not a villain but rather someone that's been mistreated and would even consider his unfortunate circumstances as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

While overall the movie is spectacular and a definite summer blockbuster, the film does have a few drawbacks. The story being as fast paced as it is, many of the sub plots don't fully develop and others just fall into oblivion, exisiting for one second and then never mentioned again. Furthermore Alice Eve's character serves no purpose throughout the movie, and could have easily been served by Spock. Rather it feels as if her character was added just to please the crowd and provide some eye candy for the audience. 

Star Trek Into Darkness is a splendidly crafted film that rushes at a break neck speed. Personally i've never watched any of the star trek series nor any of the previous movies but J.J Abram's reboot got me hooked onto the Star Trek mythos and the second instalment in J.J. Abram Star Trek clearly shows that the first reboot wasn't just a fluke. For those newcomers hesitant to jump into Star Trek, rest assured it is not meant for the hard core Trekkie fans. Into Darkness is is a fast paced, thrilling epic that's also a triumphantly smart and humane. It's everything you could want in a Star Trek movie and a definite summer watch.

Overall Star Trek Into Darkness rating


Thursday 9 May 2013

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - Review

A Celebration of Life

"The only real failure is the failure to try, and the measure of success is how we cope with disappointment"
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - Theatrical Poster
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a movie many may not have heard of. This isn't surprising anymore because big budget blockbusters have overshadowed movies with substance over style. However this movie is a rare reminder that the grand emotions are not only for the young and the middle-aged. They're the sweetness and torment of life until the last light goes out. 

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a elderly tourist destination for foreigners in Jaipur, India. Whether it be an excuse for a foreign retirement home or to escape the tough financial problems that accompany old age the hotel accommodates all. It is here that the hotel works its magic. Located in Jaipur, India the characters experience the subtle joys of life and grow as human beings, fittingly in their most vulnerable state. We learn that our life is a cocoon of our existence and our own meaning in life does not require anything else but self reflection and growth.

Delivering exceptional performances from seven industry veterans the film delivers a heartwarming tale. It is in this regard the movie outshines. The acting is superb with special mentions to Judi Dench, Bill Nighy and Maggie Smith. It is their compelling emotions that push the story forward. Yet the subtle use of comedy throughout the movie is perhaps what separates this film from most others. Showcasing a superb use of comedy that is neither cheap nor forced, keeps the story light-footed and cheerful for the most part. While Tom Wilkinson's performance is particularly affecting it is India as a supporting character that really sets the tone for this film. As Tom Wilkinson's character Graham brilliantly puts it, "All life is here (India)". The colours, the joys, the smiles, people happy with their live despite such impoverished circumstances really showcases mankind's humanity. Furthermore the script is brilliant, that will surely amuse you and leave you with memorable exchanges between the characters.

While John Madden tries to balance the various subplots equally. Some of these don't really fully develop. Particularly Ronald Pickup and Celia Imrie plots are not fully developed yet still provide a unique dynamic that teaches us the importance of a partner. Furthermore Dev Patel's character although charismatic and charming throughout the film is deduced to a mere cliched love story and this is the films biggest draw back. Having such a heartwarming tale and throwing in the cliched love story really takes away from the experience of the film. Although i'm sure Dev Patel was added to appeal to a more young audience the love story arch was not needed and the character itself would have sufficed. 

Overall the film is a delightful experience from start to finish. "We often wonder about our future. All we know about the future is that it will be different. But perhaps what we fear is that it will be the same. So we must celebrate the changes, because, as someone once said, everything will be all right in the end, and if it's not all right, then it's not the end yet"

Overall The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel rating

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Iron Man 3 - Review

Iron Man a Shell of Himself

*This review may contain spoilers*

Iron Man 3 - Theatrical Poster
Let me start off with the positive, there is one major action scene that is breath-taking. Perhaps because this scene was performed by an actual parachuting stunt team and not green screened this scene outshines all by a mile. Also the laughs they are plentiful. Whether warranted or just plain cheap the laughs provide much needed relief from the plot or lack thereof one. 

Now onto the negative. The entire movie is brimming with plot holes that ruin the movie. With so many plot holes, I'm surprised as to how Marvel green light the script in the first place. I'll also try to refrain from the many similarities the writer borrowed or rather "took inspiration" from the Dark Knight Rises, none of which are executed well. 

The main villain they set up turns out to be nothing but a joke with no intent or purpose. What was Aldrich Killian or rather "the Mandarin" after? Me and my friends talked about this is in the car and all of us were left scratching our heads. Early in the film, we watch him get rejected by Stark in a business proposal. He eventually rises to power and seems to be after Stark's money to help with his initiative. Later on, he does not seem to need it anymore. OK? More importantly, the reveal of his master plan winds up being as one-dimensional as any super villain: world domination. The motives? None are really given it is almost as if the writers took the viewer for granted and simply expected him/her to accept anything without comprehension. The mandarin ends up being nothing but a little more than a stereotype in this regard of the typical "terrorist". 

Furthermore the MacGuffin of this movie is the development of extremis virus. Some hosts that accept it don't explode and turn into regenerating superhuman while others blow up. Without giving any spoilers we see some extreme cases of survival with people that have the extremis virus and it makes you wonder how did all the other extremis people die with just one shot from iron mans suit? This is neither explained nor hinted at throughout the movie. Also in the beginning of the movie they introduce the idea of people with the extremis virus requiring some sort of vaccine or supplement to keep the virus subdued or active within them but this is later not heard of or explained later on. This omission would have greatly enhanced the extremis MacGuffin. There are so many inconsistencies with the extremis virus that this main plot element causes everything else to fall.

As for everyone praising the development of Tony Stark as a character i say what development? Iron man 1 developed Iron man and Iron man 3 developed Tony Stark? Then name this movie Tony Stark not Iron Man. Most of the action sequences played out with Tony Stark running around and fighting "bad guys" in Tennessee more like a Bourne film. In fact Tony Stark is barely in his suit throughout the movie. When he is, the suit malfunctions as if designed by a kid and not a world genius Tony. The suit is either without power or just breaking up into pieces. How can a genius scientist who designed a fully functioning suit in the desert with limited tools, not able to make one with all the tools at his disposal. Furthermore how can a genius whose afraid for his life never have a suit that's fully charged? As for Tony's development the writers introduce a more human side of Tony in the sense of him suffering anxiety attacks due to the events of the Avengers. However this plot point which would have been an important asset in Tony's development is also forgotten and down played. Anxiety attacks come and dissipate in mere minutes giving no credence to Tony and how it changes him. Tony receives a more human and fearful side to him due to his anxiety but this illusion quickly lost when he gives his address on national television to a international terrorist. It's often as if the writes didn't know what they were doing. Making Tony fearless for one scene to further the plot and then fearful the rest of the movie.

The writers also decide to give Tony Stark a side kick in the form of a kid. While i'm pretty certain this was just added so it would appeal to more kids the side kick in the form of a kid is another missed opportunity. While the kid could of been used to show Tony's humanity and develop him as a character, its often in these scenes we see Tony at his worst and same old arrogant nature. Furthermore the introduction of the kid greatly diminishes Tony's ability to withstand even the most dire of circumstances. Throughout the movie the kid operates as if his mom doesn't exist and Tony's recluse in his house goes unnoticed by any adults what so ever. The addition of the kid adds another cliched hostage scene that pays homage to an anti-bullying message in the middle of the movie. 

Lastly, looking at this movie from an entirely entertainment view forgetting the plot inconsistencies is still disappointing. Only one action sequence stood out to me. Whereas Iron Man 2 was no more than a mere set up for the Avengers it still had its fair share of action set pieces. The only scene i can think of in this movie is the aircraft scene highly advertised in trailers. Not surprising, tony wasn't even in his suit throughout this scene. In fact this is the greatest draw back of Iron Man 3. With Tony not in his suit anymore it takes away the danger and heroic nature of Iron Man putting himself out there to save people risking his own life despite how arrogant he may seem he still has a caring heroic nature. In this movie its more like he is risking metal and his money rather than himself in order to save people. The whole time his suits are malfunctioning and not co-operating. Iron man can fight Thor and an army of aliens in the Avengers in his older suit without charging much at all and it doesn't malfunction but blowing up his house with missiles causes his suit to malfunction. Also keep in mind the suits are way more enhanced since the avengers so if those "old" suits could withstand Thor how can the news ones not.

This movie was thoroughly disappointing, the only redeeming quality was the aircraft fall action scene and the laughs which is no surprise since that is what Shane Black is known for.

Overall Iron Man 3 rating
